In today’s post, I’m sharing positive and empowering home birth videos.


I’m guilty of watching birth videos of all types including:

  • unmedicated vaginal birth videos
  • natural birth in hospital setting
  • unassisted birth videos
  • and cesarean birth vlogs


What can I say? I enjoy a good birth story, even though watching other women deliver their babies may seem like a weird thing to do.


Here’s the thing.


Watching birthing videos that align with the desired outcome for our own births can be inspiring and informative. Although this statement applies to all types of birth, it may be especially true for home birth which seems to be highly discouraged where I live in the United States – due to various misconceptions.



Misconceptions About Birth

Birth is messy but what’s even more messy is the limited and often deceiving messages that women have received about birth and home birth for decades. 


For many, the media, other people’s experiences, misinformed family, inexperienced birth workers, and personal past traumas have caused the natural process of birth to be perceived as scary, too painful to manage without medication, or something to be completely avoided.




If you are currently pregnant, you may be dealing with people eager to share awful birth stories with you. Psst. Don’t allow that. Protect your energy and tell them to save it for after you deliver.




Instead of listening to upsetting birth stories, seek out the ones that are empowering (in every birth category). That is what I did and below you’ll find a list of home birth videos that show that it is possible for women to birth in their own spaces intentionally and have positive outcomes. 




I am aware that home birth isn’t for every woman just as hospital births aren’t for every woman. Thankfully, more options are becoming available like birth centers so that women are able to birth where they and their babies will be safe and the most comfortable. 
My best tip is to choose a health care provider who you can trust and one who has values that align with your own. That way, if your birth plan needs to change you’ll know it’s what is best for you and your baby.





Here are twelve unmedicated ‘natural’ childbirth videos. 




Some of these births are home water birth videos, others are delivery videos that take place in other locations in the home.


Jade Kendle
{Birth Center Water Birth}




Bridget Teyler

{Home Bathtub Birth}



Ellen Fisher

{Water Birth}



Sarah Therese

{Bathtub Water Birth}







Tanyell | 

{Water Birth in Birthing Pool}



Heather Love

{Water Birth in Birthing Pool}



Hayley Jannise 

{In The Bed}



Hayley Jannise 

{In The Bed}



Fabioloa |  




Giavasis Taylor  

{Home} | *Commentary



The Murrays

{Home Water Birth in Bathtub}



I Choose to Have My Own Baby at Home

I didn’t just watch home birth videos, I was truly inspired and decided to have my own birth in my own home.


For me, after having a unmedicated childbirth in a clinical setting without my doctor (she was MIA), I knew I wanted a planned home birth with the assistance of an experienced birth workers. 


That was my plan for my second pregnancy; unfortunately, I experienced a pregnancy loss in my first trimester. When I got pregnant again, my hearts desire was to still have a home birth – and I did.


You see, I had already proved to myself that I was capable of birthing without medical pain relief and without a physician; however, I wasn’t prepared for a free birth so my husband and I hired a local midwife team and a doula. 


Just like my hospital birth, my home birthing experience was uncomplicated but with my home birth I didn’t endure any tearing (healing was much less painful), and I received much more of a comprehensive and whole person postpartum care.


Overall, during my home birth experience, I enjoyed being at home where I felt safe  and supported with my family and my midwives.


My doula arrived after I gave birth so I can’t speak to having her there during birth as helpful but she did help with my young daughter and cooking a snack of eggs that the midwives requested. too but she didn’t make it in time.


Would I have another home birth? 

Yes! I’d do it again, if I planned to have another kid but like the women in the videos above, I’d consider hiring a birth photographer or videographer so that I can have the saved memories. 



Final Thoughts

Even if you know home birth isn’t for you, it is possible to appreciate the moms who have shared birth in the way that served them best.  


If you want a home birth, do not romanticize the process. Find out if you qualify (are a candidate) for a home delivery and prepare for the physical and physiological journey with the support of qualified birth workers.


Whether you end up giving birth in a hospital setting, birthing center, your home, or some other location, I hope that the experience is positive and shows you just how capable you are as a woman and as a mom. 




(This section includes affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a small commission; however, I only recommend products and services I firmly believe in.)

No matter how you decide to birth, here are some resources you may find helpful:




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