Breastfeeding is natural but that doesn’t make it easy. If you are planning on breastfeeding, one of the best things to do is to take a breastfeeding course.


Breastfeeding Mother and Baby

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If you are new here, I’m Tiffany. I gave birth to a baby girl and a baby boy. Since having my first little one, I’ve been head over heels about pregnancy and motherhood. I use my doula training, my background as a newborn screening chemist, and my master’s degree in family life and youth development to educate and empower pregnant women and moms with knowledge.



I’m all about empowering women to make their own best-informed decisions when it comes to breastfeeding and I don’t believe in shaming women who choose to formula-feed. You may end up doing both – as I did. You have to do what works for you and your family.



The important thing is to have quality information that can help you make those important decisions.



One resource that I came across was Stacey Stewart’s Milkology course, and just like you, I wanted to know more. So, I took the breastfeeding class and actually finished it (only 5% of people actually finish online courses) and I’m all here for it. I think you should give it a try too.



Here you’ll find a review of The Ultimate Breastfeeding Class by Milkology and all the reasons why I think it’s a valuable investment.







Online it can be difficult to know who to trust. Everyone has an opinion but is it backed up with evidence-based information and taught by a professional in the field? This course is.



In fact, Stacey is a CAPPA certified lactation educator. CAPPA stands for Childbirth And Postpartum Professional Association. It’s an international organization founded in 1998 and among many other things trains their students to educate, counsel, and support families needing assistance with lactation and breastfeeding. 




I knew I wanted a natural birth and I planned it from the start, both times. I prepared, as much as I could mentally and physically, I even took a Lamaze course with my husband. In the end, I had the unmedicated birth I desired and that experience gave me the confidence to have a home birth with the assistance of midwives for my second birth. Unfortunately, I didn’t put in the same effort when it came to learning about breastfeeding the first time.



I skipped on an in-person breastfeeding course that would have been free and assumed that breastfeeding was natural and therefore easy. I mean, I was feeling big-headed with my baby classes, and my degrees. I thought I had it figured out and…I got my bubble popped!



Girl! I was so wrong. Breastfeeding is definitely natural and some may even call it FREE milk…but it is far from easy – when you first get started. I struggled to breastfeed from the start. 


  • I fumbled with getting my baby to latch.
  • I suffered raw and cracking nipples.
  • I offered my baby a pacifier.
  • I offered my baby the bottle.
  • I worried about my pumped milk volume way too much. 


These are just a few of the mistakes I made and I only know about them now because I decided to reach out to a lactation consultant and I took the Ultimate Breastfeeding Class.



Please don’t assume that breastfeeding is easy. Get educated before your baby arrives. 




If you are a fan of video courses, you’ll like this one. The Ultimate Breastfeeding Class has 13 videos that vary in length from ~3 minutes to ~12 minutes. That’s amazing right?!



You are getting knowledge spoon-fed to you in less time than it takes to get dressed in the morning. If you are thinking you are getting a bunch of YouTube-like videos of someone staring at the screen and talking to you, think again. 



A screenshot of Milkology Ultimate Breastfeeding Class sales page


These breastfeeding videos and slides are colorful, bright, and professional with graphics. You may even find yourself entertained.  Along with the videos, you also get an ebook, a pdf breastfeeding troubleshooting guide, and some sweet milestone printables. 




We’ve all taken that class that was too long and drawn out because the professor loves to talk. They keep talking but you aren’t learning anything new. This class isn’t like that at all.



There are basically five steps or lessons with a clear and concise outline of what you are going to learn.



There is no fluff and if the title says ‘Discover the Benefits’, you will learn all the benefits of breastfeeding within that module. No questions asked. But if you have questions…Stacey is there for that too!



A screenshot of Milkology Ultimate Breastfeeding Class curriculum

If you are interested in seeing a full preview of the curriculum, check out the course website.




The Milkology Breastfeeding Class is self-paced which means you can go through it when you have the time and wherever you want to be.



The in-person breastfeeding class I skipped was in the evening and approximately 25-30 minutes from my home. This course, I finished at home, in the comfort of my favorite yoga pants with a spoon of almond butter in one hand. 



Not only is the course self-paced, but you also get lifetime access. There is no rush to finish, but if you are pregnant, I would recommend finishing it before giving birth.




I’ve been around the online course block and, let me tell you, there are tons of classes that are hundreds of dollars. Not this one. 


I’ve spent more on a night out having sushi and didn’t learn a thing. You too?



The course is definitely a steal for everything you get. And, spending on valuable information to help you nourish your baby for months, or even years, is an investment worth your time and resources.




Are you skeptical? If you don’t find value in this course, you have 30 days to request a refund. This is generous because you can finish the course in one sitting or even if you are extremely busy in a few days.


A screenshot of Milkology Ultimate Breastfeeding Class money back guarantee


I love it when someone is willing to stand behind their product with a guarantee. You can feel more comfortable spending your hard-earned coins. 



I don’t think you’ll need it because the course is full of value but it is there, just in case. 





If you are planning to breastfeed I fully encourage you to give Stacey and her Milkology course ninety minutes of your time. I really don’t think you’ll regret it. My only regret is that I didn’t take it before giving birth to my first child, as I’ve had much more success and enjoyment nursing my second child.



If you are planning on going back in the workplace there is another course that Stacey offers called The Ultimate Back to Work Pumping Class. If that is your current situation, you may want to invest in that one. I haven’t reviewed it because I haven’t taken the course yet. Let me just say, from personal experience, pumping at work is no fun. 



If you do give either of the courses a try, I’d love to tell you I told you so know how you liked it. You can shoot me an email, or let me know in the comments below. Tell Stacey I sent you and if you missed the course link, here it is again. 


Good luck mama! You can do this!


A Review of The Breastfeeding Class by Milkology


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